The role of explosion-proof windows

Explosion-proof window is a kind of anti-explosion protection equipment to resist the accidental installation of baozha outside the industrial building, protect the safety of people's lives and the internal equipment of the industrial building intact, free from the baozha shock wave and effectively prevent the continuation of baozha's harm. Explosion-proof windows are also called anti-explosion windows.
1. In the case of baozha, set the notification based on the force of the baozha event and the reflected pressure. The explosion-proof window can withstand the blasting pressure within the range of varieties, to achieve the necessary protection against personal injury and property loss.
2. In the case of baozha, if the pre-set baozha is not reached, the explosion-proof window can still be used normally.
3. When baozha occurs, the power of baozha reaches the preset, but it still keeps the window components used by the storm to avoid trapped people.
4. Close and vent the necessary wall isolation to prevent the isolated space from direct convection with the outside air to reduce pollution outside the partitioned and protected space.

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