Thermal calculation (4)

(4) Combustion chamber air consumption coefficient:

c 0 ... c n — specific heat capacity of each component, kJ / (kg · K);
B 0 ... B n — the percentage of each component, %;
Coal gas temperature T 0 --- generally T 0 = 30 ~ 35 ℃;
W 2 ———the water content per kilogram of gas, kg/kg;

d 1 ——— The moisture content of the gas is generally 2-20g/kg;
I—the heat content of steam in the flue gas;
i=(595+0.47t 1 )×4.1868,kJ/kg (27c)
i 1 ——— the heat content of water vapor in the gas;
i 1 =(595+0.47t 0 )×4.1868,kJ/kg (27d)
Η—the thermal efficiency of the combustion chamber and the mixing chamber;
c 2 ———the specific heat capacity of the dry flue gas;

t 1 ———the temperature of the flue gas, °C;
L 0 ———Theoretical air consumption, kg/kg. See formula (4)
I 0 ———The temperature is t 0 , the heat content of air at humidity ф 0 , kJ/kg dry air;
d 0 ———the temperature is t 0 , the humidity of the air is ф 0 , g/kg;
Q YGW ———High calorific value of gas, kJ/kg;
X, y——— See the corresponding symbol of formula (25).
(5) The amount of water vapor produced by burning one kilogram of gas:

Where g 1 ———the amount of water vapor, kg/kg;
W 2 , L 0 , d 0 , a, x, y——— See Equation 27 for the corresponding character. [next]
(6) The amount of dry flue gas produced by burning one kilogram of gas:

Where d 1 ———the moisture content of the flue gas, g/kg;
e 0 ———dry flue gas volume, kg/kg. See formula (29);
g 1 ———Water vapor quantity, kg/kg. See formula (28).
(8) Heat content of flue gas:
The Id diagram is checked according to the values ​​of t 1 and d 1 or calculated by the formula (12).
(9) The difference between the heat supply and the heat loss inside the dryer is calculated by the formula (13).
(10) The amount of dry flue gas required to evaporate one kilogram of water can be calculated by equation (14). (11) The amount of dry flue gas required by the dryer per hour can be calculated by equation (15).
(12) Total amount of flue gas entering the dryer per hour:
The total weight of the flue gas ι 2 is calculated using equation (16).
The total density ρ 1 of the flue gas is calculated by the formula (17).
The total volume V 1 of the flue gas is calculated by equation (18).
(13) The gas consumption is calculated by the formula (19).
(14) Calorie consumption of one kilogram of water:
Calculated by calculating the flue gas volume and heat content required for vaporizing one kilogram of water (20).
(15) Exhaust gas from the dryer:
The exhaust gas weight ι 3 is calculated by the formula (21).
The exhaust gas volume V 2 is calculated by the formula (22).
The exhaust gas density ρ 2 is calculated by the formula (22a).
(16) The final exhaust gas volume discharged by the induced draft fan is calculated by equation (23).

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