Recently, it was learned from the Cummins East Asia Research and Development Center that local R&D at the R&D Center has achieved fruitful results. Cummins' full range of National IV engines and key components for local production are all dominated by this R&D center. This means that enterprises in the Wuhan Development Zone are making efforts to independently develop and strive to move from the automotive manufacturing highland to the automotive R&D base.
Cummins East Asia R&D Center Engine Laboratory
The Cummins East Asia Research and Development Center is a joint venture between Cummins Inc. and Dongfeng Motor Corporation. It is the first Sino-foreign joint venture professional research and development center in the Chinese engine industry. The R&D center was officially opened in August 2006. The accumulated investment so far has exceeded 30 million U.S. dollars. The third phase of the project will be completed before the end of this year. By the end of the fourth-phase project construction, the Wuhan R&D Center will become Cummins' second largest R&D institution in the world, second only to the U.S. headquarters technical center.